Who We Are
Meet our team.
Wes and Kasey Dillon
Lead Ministers
Meet our Elders.
Ginny Teeter
Peter Mihelich
Chris Domaleski
Kim Mihelich
Victoria Johnson
Jim Thibault
Ben Stewart
Erin Evans
Jennifer VanKommer
Katie Starr & Stephen Goodwin
Why was 4 Rivers started?
Four Rivers was launched in 2020 because of a small group that came together with the shared sense that it was time to do Church in a different way…NOT a better way, but a different way.
A Church built around relationships, welcoming everyone as we journey together through the good and difficult and mundane parts of life.
A people with a reputation of being generous with time, money and resources.
A Church that brings people together around Jesus and that welcomes those exhausted by the tribal politics of US VS. THEM.
Our region has many wonderful churches that every week welcome their community into their building. Our dream is to go out to our community, to be the kind of church that “leaves the buildng,” and is found in all the places where our community needs us.
Frequently Asked Questions about 4 Rivers Church:
What kind of people make up 4 Rivers?
Four Rivers is the kind of church that draws from the rich diversity of Christian traditions and you’ll find people here from all kinds of theological backgrounds, including many with none. Regardless of doctrine or dogma, everyone is welcome here. Jesus’ teachings are our framework, and we strive to apply that to our lives in the 168 hours of each week. We have come together to simply be a Christian church and journey together in a way that helps people love Jesus and love our neighbors. We will welcome you and be glad to meet you. No matter where you are at, you are welcome in our church community.
Does 4 Rivers belong to a denomination?
Four Rivers is an independent non-denominational church, led by a group of male & female Elders responsible for oversight and governance. Though independent, Four Rivers is part of a network of over 5,000 churches and this network is built on relationships and a shared mission. We welcome any questions you might have about the origin and leadership of Four Rivers and our affiliation.
Does 4 Rivers involve children, teens, families, singles, empty-nesters?
Yes. Four Rivers Church believes that people of all ages, at all stages of life, should have a voice and are equally invaluable to the community of the church. Children are involved in church services and small groups. There is a children’s program at every church service for infants through 4th grade. The curriculum used is created and developed by people within our church community so that children are learning alongside adults. Middle school students meet monthly at church and then frequently for fun and for serving others. The high school youth group meets twice monthly and, if they choose, high school students contribute to each church service. Each age and phase of life is valued and served at 4Rivers. All have a voice.